We the People 14th Edition

Benjamin Ginsberg - Theodore J. Lowi - Margaret Weir - Caroline J. Tolbert - Andrea L. Campbell - Megan Ming Francis - Robert J. Spitzer

Building on We the People’s?unparalleled focus on participation and the citizen’s role, new coauthor Megan Ming Francis uses her experience as an instructor and scholar of race and ethnicity politics to?energize coverage of race and social movements. New Check Your Understanding questions—in both print and ebook formats—motivate students and builds confidence in their learning. In the Norton Illumine Ebook Check Your Understanding questions include rich answer-feedback that helps students practice their learning. InQuizitive activities confirm chapter-level understanding and allow students to practice applying essential concepts. 

Published: December 15, 2022
Title: We the People
Author: Benjamin Ginsberg - Theodore J. Lowi - Margaret Weir - Caroline J. Tolbert - Andrea L. Campbell - Megan Ming Francis - Robert J. Spitzer
Edition: 14
ISBN: 9781324034834
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Language: English
Formats: ePub


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