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Byron’s Letters and Journals
A New SelectionRichard Lansdown
Alongside Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and Oscar Wilde, Lord Byron possesses a star-quality unlike other classic British authors. His life as poet, philanderer, homosexual, and freedom fighter is legendary, and this new selection from his powerful letters and journals tells the story from the inside, in Byron's own racy and passionate style. Though Byron is chiefly known as a poet, his letters and journals are one of the glories of English prose literature,and one of the greatest British acts of autobiography, alongside Pepys' Diary and Boswell's Journal.
This new selection, taken from the authoritative and unbowdlerized edition prepared by Leslie Marchand in the 1970s, not only provides the cream of his informal prose; it amounts to a biography in Byron'sown words. No other English writer lived so remarkable an existence, from rented rooms in Aberdeen to a Nottinghamshire peerage, from European fame to English infamy, and notorious Italian exile to a glorious death in the Greek War of Independence.The letters and journals are selected, introduced, and annotated to provide a running narrative of the life and career of his remarkable man in his own unmistakable words.
Published: April 23, 2015
Title: Byron's Letters and Journals
Author: Richard Lansdown
ISBN: 9780191044779
Publisher: OUP Oxford
Language: English
Formats: PDF | ePub
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